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Gants Manufactuing & Trading Co Pvt. Ltd. the company was formed by STS professionally qualified individuals with their previous experience in leather and leather manufacturing sectors which emerged was a professionally managed organization focused in the manufacture of superior-quality industrial safety driver gloves, working gloves, welders gloves, leather welding jackets, aprons, arm sleeves, leg guards and other protective equipment made of leather aimed totally towards export. Ever since its inception, the company has been maintaining a steady position as one of India’s leading manufacturer-exporter of leather safety articles and leather work-garments.
Our products are gone through stringent quality selection process from the selection of raw hides for our leather processing units, as well as selection, cutting, stitching and finally packing the materials for export purposes. Our products are manufactured with modern machinery and a highly trained workforce, experienced and motivated to consistently produce goods of the best quality for our clientele. As a leader in the industry, our policy is to continuously improve product and service quality, stand behind agreed terms and meet delivery deadlines. We are committed to setting new standards of excellence and to a long-term relationship.
Gants Manufacturing & Trading Co. Pvt. Ltd. is a renowned leather safety products company specializing in Industrial Leather Gloves and Leather Welding Apparels. The network of Gants is spreads nationwide as well as internationally. We have business partners spreads throughout the world with repetitive execution of orders all over the world. The name is often synonymous with dedication and transparency due to the quality of work and proficiency supplied by its working force. The team spirit and competency of its employees is the base upon which the pillar of success of Gants regime. Gants with its quality products and services has won the confidence of its vast clientele all over the world. The clients of GANTS are some of the biggest importers of the Germany, Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Poland, Portugal, Chile and Mauritius and such a vast clientele Gants shows quality products leads to trusted customer satisfaction.
Our main strength lies in our team-mates. We build confidence in people through care, in recognition of their efforts that proper individual growth and complement company’s growth. The continued focus on human resource development through diverse training, methodology, building knowledge and experienced pool of manpower are key methods to our successful business endeavour.
We enrich people with the freedom to explore and develop their talents and empower them to achieve desired objectives that blend with the group's progress. Encouraging reward initiative, dedication and hard work in all fairness, good communication skills at all levels create an environment that bridges confidence amongst the workforce.